What to Do if Your Pet Shows Signs of Anxiety at the Vet

It’s no secret – trips to the vet can be stressful for pets.

Whether it’s the unfamiliar smells, the car ride, or the presence of other animals, the vet can be an overwhelming place for many pets.

As a pet owner, it’s important to recognise the signs of anxiety and know how to help your furry friend feel more at ease. After all, we want our pets to feel safe and supported during their visit, not scared or uncomfortable.

Whether it’s the unfamiliar smells, the car ride, or the presence of other animals, the vet can be an overwhelming place for many pets.

Understanding Your Pet’s Anxiety

First things first: anxiety in pets is more common than you might think, and it’s important to recognise the signs early. You might notice your pet trembling, panting excessively, or trying to hide as soon as you walk through the door.

Some pets may become overly vocal or drool more than usual, while others might refuse to eat or drink before the appointment. These signs are their way of showing that they’re feeling uneasy, and the good news is, there are things you can do to help them manage this anxiety.

Before the Vet Visit – Preparation is Key

One of the best ways to help your pet feel calmer during a vet visit is to prepare them ahead of time. Start by making the experience as familiar as possible.

If your pet gets anxious in the car, try taking them on short car rides that end with positive experiences, like a visit to the park or their favourite walking spot. This helps them associate the car with something enjoyable, reducing the anxiety of the trip itself.

You can also bring along your pet’s favourite blanket or toy to give them something comforting and familiar during their time in the waiting room.

Create a Calm Environment in the Waiting Room

Once you arrive at the vet, try to keep your pet calm by staying relaxed yourself. Pets are very sensitive to their owners’ emotions, so if you’re anxious, they’ll likely pick up on that. Find a quiet corner in the waiting room away from the hustle and bustle.

If your vet’s clinic offers digital kiosks or screens, these can help distract your pet by providing a calming environment. Fur Media’s custom media kiosks, for instance, feature engaging and pet-friendly content that can help reduce stress in the waiting room by taking your pet’s attention off the anxiety-inducing sights and sounds.

During the Appointment – Keep Your Pet Calm and Comfortable

During the examination itself, it’s important to be calm and reassuring. Some pets may need you to hold their paw or gently pet them to provide comfort. Ask your vet if they offer calming treatments, such as pheromone sprays or anxiety-reducing techniques like massage or pressure wraps, to help ease your pet’s nerves.
It’s also a good idea to ask for short breaks during the appointment if your pet seems overwhelmed, especially if they’re being examined for an extended period.

After the Vet Visit – Reinforce Positive Behaviour

Once the visit is over, take a moment to reward your pet for being brave. Offer them treats, praise, or a relaxing walk in the park—anything that reinforces the idea that the vet visit wasn’t a bad experience. Over time, as you consistently reward your pet for remaining calm, they’ll start to associate vet visits with positive outcomes.

If you’re noticing that your pet’s anxiety is severe or persistent, it might be worth discussing additional options with your vet. They can offer advice on anxiety management and, in some cases, prescribe medications or recommend behavioural therapy to help your pet cope better with future visits.

Create a Stress-Free Vet Visit Experience
Vet visits don’t have to be a source of stress for pets or their owners. With Fur Media’s custom kiosks, you can transform your clinic’s waiting room into a calming and engaging space.

These innovative kiosks provide comforting distractions and valuable pet content, helping ease anxiety and improve the overall experience. 

Ready to make your clinic a place where pets feel at ease and owners feel confident? 

Contact us today to discover how we can elevate your veterinary practice!